Application-wide css

Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Thu May 31 01:38:33 PDT 2012

Hi David,

thanks. I can live with that but it was worth a question.

To explain the background, lets assume I wanted to style all my buttons 
in all scenes in the same way. And I don't want to duplicate the css 
obviously. Then it would be handy to have that @import feature because 
it lives in the css "space". I guess you could say it is personal 
preference to rather do it in css, not in java. By the way, I am going 
to have lots of scenes because we are in the process of migrating a 
largish Swing application, replacing bits and pieces with JFXPanels.

Maybe I should subclass Scene, Popup, ContextMenu (etc) to add such an 
application-wide css by default...


On 31.05.2012 03:58, David Grieve wrote:
> Currently @-keyword statements are ignored and StyleManager isn't going
> to help you either.
> I'm not sure what @import buys you over adding the application wide
> stylesheet to the stylesheets property of Scene or Parent. I'm not
> saying it isn't something we shouldn't have. In fact, I could use it
> myself. But right now, ObservableList<String> getStylesheets() is all we
> have to work with.
> On May 30, 2012, at 8:32 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
>> I've been waiting for David or Jasper to respond :-)
>> Ping!
>> Richard
>> On May 25, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Werner Lehmann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there a way to import one css into another? This would allow for
>>> an application wide stylesheet - to be imported by control or scene
>>> css. Usually that's the purpose of @import but according to the css
>>> reference, "@-keyword statements are ignored."
>>> Alternatively, is it possible to do this in a central place, e.g.
>>> with the help of StyleManager?
>>> Rgds
>>> Werner
> <>
> David Grieve | Principal Member of Technical Staff
> Mobile: +16033121013 <tel:+16033121013>
> Oracle Java Client UI and Tools
> Durham, NH 03824
> <> Oracle is committed to developing
> practices and products that help protect the environment

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