FXML and Classloading

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at bestsolution.at
Thu May 31 06:58:42 PDT 2012

Ok - thanks looks like i looked at an old javafxrt.jar. Anyways don't
you think giving the type-classloader precendence would be a good idea?


Am 31.05.12 15:49, schrieb Greg Brown:
> Just checked and it is public in 2.1 as well.
> On May 31, 2012, at 9:39 AM, Greg Brown wrote:
>>> Now there's a JavaFXBuilderFactory which accepts a classloader but it is
>>> not considered public API.
>> I don't remember when it was added, but JavaFXBuilderFactory does have a public constructor that takes a ClassLoader in 2.2.

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