API review request: adding WebEngine.userAgent

Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Thu May 31 18:05:42 PDT 2012

It sounds like a good request, but we're past feature freeze for this release. Is this proposed then for 3.0?


On May 31, 2012, at 8:47 AM, Peter Zhelezniakov wrote:

> Hello,
> I suggest adding a new 'userAgent' property to WebEngine. This was
> requested several times by developers. Some sites serve different HTML
> depending on the user-agent string, so applications may need to pretend
> they are Chrome or Safari or whatever.
> The JIRA issue is http://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-19262
>    /**
>     * User agent string. This string is the value of the {@code User-Agent}
>     * HTTP header and is included in all HTTP requests issued by this
>     * {@code WebEngine} object. Some servers may use it to identify the
> type
>     * of the client, and behave differently depending on this setting.
>     *
>     * If the value is {@code null}, some default value is used which is
>     * operating system dependent.
>     *
>     * @defaultValue null
>     */
>    public final void setUserAgent(String value);
>    public final String getUserAgent();
>    public final StringProperty userAgentProperty();
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Peter

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