Audio Effects

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Sat Nov 3 07:05:14 PDT 2012

We've talked a little about it, but we haven't done anything in this area. I'd say it is a greenfield area for anybody so inclined to work on the feature.


On Nov 3, 2012, at 6:47 AM, "Jiri Prajzner" <Goddard at> wrote:

> Hello,
> will there be a package with audio effects?
> We've got javafx.scene.effects, but those are all visual effects and even if
> they'd not, we can't apply them to classes because those 
> are not Nodes, technically.
> I could use javax.sound, but then it's another dependency and different 
> style of API etc.
> Regards, Jiri
> -- 
> +420 739 575 905
> 218 659 431

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