Contribution to OpenJFX

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Tue Nov 6 07:32:34 PST 2012

Hi Deepak,

This is great news! I don't know if Mario / Roman or any other RedHat engineers working on this will be at Devoxx? I'm planning on spending most of Tuesday at the Devoxx Hackergarten working on upgrading the build. Also, we should have the javafx packager (which does the native application co-bundles) open sourced this week.


On Nov 5, 2012, at 7:44 PM, Deepak Bhole <dbhole at> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> My name is Deepak Bhole and I manage the OpenJDK group at Red Hat.
> It is very exciting to see OpenJFX get ever closer to a full drop!
> JavaFX technology holds a lot of promise and developing it in an open-source
> manner only makes it more so. We (Red Hat) would like to contribute to this
> project just like we contribute to OpenJDK.
> We would like to start by working with developers here to fix build,
> integration, etc. issues. Most of this work will also benefit other Linux
> distros, as we will be working on ensuring proper integration with Linux
> installations in general. Our subsequent areas of contribution will be defined
> by bugs and enhancement requests filed by users/the community as adoption
> increases.
> We look forward to working with everyone as more code becomes available!
> Cheers,
> Deepak

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