Open Sourcing: decora-compiler

Jiri Prajzner Goddard at
Tue Nov 6 11:53:47 PST 2012


this is exciting! :)

Regards, Jiri
+420 739 575 905
218 659 431

---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Joe Andresen <Joseph.Andresen at>
Datum: 6. 11. 2012
Předmět: Re: Open Sourcing: decora-compiler

You mean JSL as in Java Shader Language :P


Tom Schindl wrote:
> That sounds interesting where will it endup? In which mercurial repo?
> Tom
> Am 06.11.12 17:13, schrieb Richard Bair:
>> Hi,
>> I'm going to be open sourcing today another one of our projects called 
decora-compiler. We have our own DSL for shader languages called Decora. 
What we do is generate shaders for OpenGL and D3D from this language. We 
also generate Java code and SSE native code. For some shaders, we ended up 
generating them and then hand-tweaking them from there.
>> The decora-compiler is used during the build process, but is not itself 
part of either the JDK or JRE, and so has mostly remained invisible to 
everybody. There is an "ME" based backend for JavaME which I don't think is 
even being used anymore, so there is stuff here we could remove to reduce 
the size of the project (and I will be filing a JIRA for this).
>> decora-compiler isn't really that interesting in isolation, although at 
one time we had entertained the idea of popularizing it so that people could
write their own shaders with JSL (the decora shader language), in which case
the compiler would be part of the JDK such that you could create your own 
effects. Decora is predominantly used for the "effects" -- blur, box blur, 
etc. Although it is also used for prism shaders, we don't generate SSE or 
Java backends for those, and many of these have been tweaked by hand vs. 
simply generated.
>> Cheers
>> Richard

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