JFX build and deployment - squeaking wheel

John Smith John_Smith at symantec.com
Tue Nov 6 15:53:52 PST 2012

Ø  Is the Windows Store restricted to only Metro apps written in WinRT or can desktop mode apps be included as well?

You can submit both Metro "Modern UI" apps and traditional desktop mode apps to Windows Store.

All apps submitted to the store are subject to certain submission requirements as detailed in:
There are special additional certification requirements for desktop mode apps:

You can submit Windows 8 apps (i.e. x86/x64) in addition to Windows RT (ARM) apps to the windows store, see Fruit Ninja's Details tab for example:

Apps packaged like this can be installed outside of the Microsoft Windows Store using a process titled "side-loading":
Side-loading is primarily a way for enterprises to distribute apps to employees running Windows 8 x86, x64 or RT.

Ø  Okay, poking fun at Microsoft aside, this looks good as far as cross-platform creation of the .appx package is concerned.  But's it's Windows 8 only, right?

Yep, yep, yep.

From: Joshua Marinacci [mailto:joshua at marinacci.org]
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2012 8:23 AM
To: Scott Palmer
Cc: John Smith; Richard Bair; openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: JFX build and deployment - squeaking wheel

Is the Windows Store restricted to only Metro apps written in WinRT or can desktop mode apps be included as well?


Most likely sent from Planet Earth

On Nov 5, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Scott Palmer <swpalmer at gmail.com<mailto:swpalmer at gmail.com>> wrote:

On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 5:32 PM, John Smith <John_Smith at symantec.com<mailto:John_Smith at symantec.com>> wrote:
> Is this what the new Windows Store uses as well?
No, Windows Store does not use MSI, it uses appx files and Open Packaging Conventions.

There is no installer, updater or uninstaller for the package, just some metadata which a store client can use to install, update or uninstall a component.
appx is just like a zip file with a manifest, similar to a jar file.

Those interested, can see here for info:
  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh464929.aspx App packages and deployment (Windows Store apps)
  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh446767.aspx App packager (MakeAppx.exe) - kind of the Windows Store equivalent of javafxpackager.exe
  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh446593%28v=vs.85%29.aspx Packaging, deployment, and query of Windows Store apps

Ah good, they basically copied Apple again.  (I worry when they try to "innovate".) :-)

So Windows now uses nearly the same format as Mac - an "embraced and extended" flavour the OS X "Application Bundle".

It seems they are on track to keep their pace of remaining ten years behind the competition, but at least they are moving in the right direction.

Okay, poking fun at Microsoft aside, this looks good as far as cross-platform creation of the .appx package is concerned.  But's it's Windows 8 only, right?


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