BorderPane ignores managed property?

Scott Palmer swpalmer at
Fri Nov 9 13:35:10 PST 2012

NetBeans project for test case is attached to issue:



On 2012-11-08, at 7:00 PM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at> wrote:

> Yikes, that would be bad! Sounds like a JIRA is in order (and maybe a simple patch?! :-)).
> Thanks
> Richard
> On Nov 8, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Scott Palmer <swpalmer at> wrote:
>> I did a quick search in Jira but I didn't see this particular issue.  It seems that in JavaFX 2.2 BorderPane ignores the managed property.  I am rolling my own scroll pane because there is a horrible flickering bug in the standard ScrollPane when the content size changes and the scroll position isn't at 0 (bug report on the way soon).
>> I have placed ScrollBars in the left and bottom panes of the BorderPane and bound their managed property to the visibility property.  The problem is that when I hide the scroll bars they are still taking up the physical space in the BorderPane.  
>> I'm working around the problem by wrapping them in an HBox and VBox - which shrinks to zero size when the contained ScrollBar becomes unmanaged.
>> Scott

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