JavaFX Maven Plugin

Paul Merlin paul at
Wed Nov 14 02:23:25 PST 2012


I had to use JavaFX and Maven in a university course and for a company 
project lately but the current plugin do not support maven enough for my 
needs so I wrote another javafx plugin that don't rely on reflection and 
has more maven features.

Currently it does the following:
- support many configurations properties
- allow execution of JavaFX applications using exec-maven-plugin
- package and attach JNLP/Applet distributions
- package and attach images distributions
- package and attach installers distributions

As produced distributions are attached to the build the plugin can be 
used to roll releases using the maven mechanisms.

All this was easier because it's not using reflection. The drawback here 
is that my plugin force you to add dependencies to javafx artifacts to 
your POM.

The README explain how to use the plugin.

Daniel is aware of my work on this and we certainly will combine our 
efforts at some point (this should occur when the build tools are 
opensourced). For now developpers have the choice between the two 

BTW I have one question. JavaFX will be included in JavaSE classpath at 
some point (7uX, 8?). People building against Java versions published 
before this change will still have to explicitely depend on JavaFX to 
build their applications, don't they?



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