JavaFX: Stage and Unified Toolbars on Mac (apple.awt.brushMetalLook for JavaFX)

Artem Ananiev artem.ananiev at
Thu Nov 15 01:09:38 PST 2012

Hi, Tobi,

On 11/14/2012 9:57 PM, Tobi wrote:
> Hi,
> how can I make an JavaFX app with an unified toolbar like on Swing
> with "apple.awt.brushMetalLook"

this functionality is currently not supported in JavaFX. Corresponding 
JIRA issue is

It depends on another one, RT-19988, which you are already subscribed to.

> There was a discussion a few month ago here:
>  Any news about this feature?

It's still targeted to 8, this is what I can say right now :)



> Best regards,
> Tobi

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