Extending Builders: Layout Builders

Tom Eugelink tbee at tbee.org
Wed Nov 21 10:02:12 PST 2012

I suspect the constraints were already "out" before FXML, but this would be a fairly acceptable notation:

	<Label  fx:id="arrow"  alignment="center"   text=""  maxWidth="Infinity">		|
||		<HBox.Cvgrow="ALWAYS"  hgrow="ALWAYS"|/>


	<Label  fx:id="arrow"  alignment="center"   text=""  maxWidth="Infinity"|||HBox.C.vgrow="ALWAYS"  HBox.C.hgrow="ALWAYS"|/>

On 2012-11-21 17:46, Tom Schindl wrote:
> Am 21.11.12 09:46, schrieb Richard Bair:
>> I wanted constraint classes from the start. There was a problem there, which I don't accurately remember now, but I do want to see some discussion around deprecating (or at least no longer depending on) the static methods and having some constraint classes again.
> They've probably been harder to implement in FXML?
> Tom

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