Porting from Swing - JavaFX 2 for JDK 6 for Mac needed

Tobias Bley tobi at ultramixer.com
Fri Nov 30 13:31:07 PST 2012

Hi Richard,

JFX2 (from JDK7u9) doesn't work on JDK6 32bit (mac) because the libGlass.dylib doesn't support 32bit…

Richard, how do Oracle think java developers should move from Swing to JFX2 if JFX2 only works on 64bit JDK7???

Best regards,

Am 30.11.2012 um 22:23 schrieb Richard Bair <richard.bair at oracle.com>:

> Hi Tobi,
> JavaFX is only supported on Java 7. Maybe it will work on 32-bit Java 6, but you'd be on your own attempting it.
> Thanks
> Richard
> On Nov 30, 2012, at 12:58 PM, Tobias Bley <tobi at ultramixer.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we plan to develop new module for our current Swing based software in JavaFX 2. Our commercial swing apps are based on JDK6 because OpenJDK7 for mac is not really ready for production use (graphical issues, no retina support, no 32bit support, …) 
>> So currently we can't port our swing apps to OpenJDK 7 on Mac (JDK7 for windows is good). To develop new peaces of our swing based apps in JavaFX 2 we need JFX for JDK6 on mac! Currently there is only JFX2 for JDK6 on windows available.
>> Is it possible to use JFX2 on (32bit) JDK6 on mac?
>> Best regards,
>> Tobi

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