
Randahl Fink Isaksen randahl at
Thu Oct 4 07:18:30 PDT 2012

Looks nice, Tom. But trust me: You could make exactly the same by using an adaptive layout approach (nested subclasses of Pane), and then your layout would work smoothly when resizing the window or changing the fonts or other aspects of the CSS styling of the calendar (padding, etc.).

A GridPane would probably be a good place to start – it supports the row spanning you need.



On Oct 4, 2012, at 16:05 , Tom Eugelink <tbee at> wrote:

> Have you seen the screenshot?
> No can do without absolute positioning. But it's dynamic; it uses things like new Text("X").prefWidth(0).
> On 2012-10-04 15:53, Randahl Fink Isaksen wrote:
>> I strongly recommend you avoid absolute positioning. In most applications you never know anything about the size of the end user's screen and the fonts used. Dynamic layouts like the ones JavaFX has can adapt to individual user preferences, absolute layouts cannot.
>> R.
>> On Oct 4, 2012, at 14:51 , Tom Eugelink <tbee at> wrote:
>>> Not seeing my post from this morning appear, so I'm reposting but without the attachment this time.
>>> I've posted a thread on the JavaFX forums with problems I run into when writing a Google Calendar style control. I could use advice on how to best do this nested Panes layout.
>>> Tom

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