3D Features Planned for Version 8

Chien Yang chien.yang at oracle.com
Sun Oct 7 20:00:16 PDT 2012

Though LOD isn't part of the 3D feature list, it is very likely that we may provide API support to make LOD implementation easier at the utility or application level. Any feedback on this will be greatly appreciated.

JIRA: RT-25524 - Need to provide an easy means for application or utility developer to implement LOD

- Chien

>LOD node would be useful even for 2D when scaling.
>On 2012-10-06, at 9:26 AM,goddard at seznam.cz  wrote:

> I overlooked that LOD node is missing, but I think JFX is a general purpose graphics API so one should be able to write a game in it, for example. Not an AAA title though.
> Jiri

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