Re: Re: No JavaFX for iOS, Android or WP - why not?

goddard at goddard at
Tue Oct 9 10:53:27 PDT 2012

Thanks for stepping in Richard.


------------ Původní zpráva ------------
Od: Werner Lehmann <lehmann at>
Předmět: Re: No JavaFX for iOS, Android or WP - why not?
Datum: 09.10.2012 19:36:15
FWIW, the community support on this mailing list is outstanding in my 
opinion. Usually it does not take more than a day to even get replies 
directly from Oracle staff. And suggestions are discussed with an open 
mind. Compare that to the cost and response time of a support contract.


On 09.10.2012 19:20, Richard Bair wrote:
> In the Java group, we are very concerned about community involvement.

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