No JavaFX for iOS, Android or WP - why not?

John McDonnell mcdonnell.john at
Tue Oct 9 14:20:24 PDT 2012

Commented in line.

On 9 October 2012 20:04, Mark Fortner <phidias51 at> wrote:

> My preference would be to get the following tasks taken care of before
> Oracle starts throwing resources at supporting tablets, mobile and JavaFX
> 3D:
>    - *Deployment using Maven.*  Although you can build with Maven, there
>    are a lot of hoops that you still have to jump through, and we still
> don't
>    have the artifacts in an accessible repo.  I think Zonski, and others
> have
>    blogged about this, and kvetched on mailing lists so I won't repeat
> their
>    comments here.

I actually though that this was fixed in 1.7u6, but after trying out a
simple maven project in 1.7u7 using netbeans, I realized that it was not as
easy as I hoped, well without the help of Google and ZenJava blog.

For any sort of development I think these sort of things(Maven support,
deployment, etc) need to be looked into, it should be easy by now to simple
create a maven project and use JavaFX classes without jumping through any
hoops.  There will be tighter integration of JavaFX in Java 8, when it
comes out right?  if so thats still over half a year away :(

>      - *Charts* - support for zooming and panning within the charts.
>  Support
>    for drawing on top of charts.
>    - *Support for Swing components within JavaFX. * If the goal is to
>    replace Swing, then this is one of those essential capabilities that
> needs
>    to be in place. The current examples only demonstrate how to put JavaFX
>    components within Swing applications.  Unfortunately, if you want to
> reuse
>    any existing components (like JFreeCharts for example) within your
> project,
>    you're SOL at the moment.

Should JavaFX be able to reuse Swing components?  I don't necessarily think
it should.

Existing swing components wont have the CSS styling and would look out of
place surrounded by a Rich UI.  I feel JavaFX should be looking forward, as
opposed to adding backward compatibility for various Swing libraries.
 When/If JavaFX is supported on multiple OS's like iOS, Metro, Android,
would users want to see a Swing component, or would they like to see a
JavaFX component that looks exactly like it should?

Though there are swing component libraries that have the functionality that
is needed in JavaFX, like as you mentioned JFreeCharts, but surely thats
for a oracle/community to adopt and take forward.  To see that the
community needs and look to address that with a new feature of JavaFX, or a
new JavaFX library.  Swing libraries grew over time and started tackling
the functionality that was missing in swing, like a property Chart AP,
TreeTableView, etc, but we need groups like the JFXtras team to take up the
baton.  That being said, I hope the next release of functionally for the
JavaFX charts is somewhat comparable to the functionality offered in
projects like JFreeCharts

   - *Release the source.*  It's a royal pain to have to download the
   source through mercurial rather than simply read it as you do with the
   Swing code or download it as you do with any Maven package.

There's also some work that needs to be done to make it easier for people
to participate.  I have 3 accounts at the moment: one for this mailing
list, one for the forums, and one for JIRA.  Can we just boil that down to
one, and let me login with Facebook or Google credentials?



On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Filipe Portes <omeuefilipe at>wrote:

> well,
> what I really will like to see, more than JavaFx running over mobile
> plataforms, Is java embedded and JavaFX becoming themselves a pure Java
> mobile plataform.
> On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 2:53 PM, <goddard at> wrote:
> > Thanks for stepping in Richard.
> >
> > Jiri
> >
> > ------------ Původní zpráva ------------
> > Od: Werner Lehmann <lehmann at>
> > Předmět: Re: No JavaFX for iOS, Android or WP - why not?
> > Datum: 09.10.2012 19:36:15
> > ------------------------------**----------
> >
> > FWIW, the community support on this mailing list is outstanding in my
> > opinion. Usually it does not take more than a day to even get replies
> > directly from Oracle staff. And suggestions are discussed with an open
> > mind. Compare that to the cost and response time of a support contract.
> >
> > Rgds
> > Werner
> >
> > On 09.10.2012 19:20, Richard Bair wrote:
> >
> >> In the Java group, we are very concerned about community involvement.
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Filipe Portes - @filipeportes
> Java Architect - Senior Java EE/Web
> JUGLeader Gojava <> - @gojava


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