No JavaFX for iOS, Android or WP - why not?

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at
Mon Oct 15 05:00:18 PDT 2012

2012/10/15 Claus Luethje <Claus.Luethje at>:
> I want to be working on mobile app based on JavaFX with my team. We have built skills (and still are) and interest, but how can we convince customers to invest in JavaFX?
> I see JavaFX as a very efficient way to build GUIs; it's fast, versatile and fun. It could be a perfect match for RIA, but time-to-market is important and JavaFX isn't there yet.
> Regards
> Claus

Hi Claus,

I can share with you you my own experience on this.

In the past, I've been part of a team who was delivering a stripped
down j2se solution for the automotive market. It was a solution mostly
targeting JavaTV/Xlet environments, the kind of things you find in
high class cars today (with DVD readers and all the funny gadgets that
I will never understand how people can ever use while driving :).

Now, there are a number of good APIs that are part of this
environment, most of the functionality of the most famous JSRs even
found a way in some form into nowadays popular mobile platforms like
Android and iOS (location services, OpenGL for mobile devices, camera
services, etc...).

This, however, wasn't enough. We then decided to port LWUIT to offer
this framework as a base for the mobile UI work, since at the time
LWUIT was only working on J2ME we wrote our own layer over the
stripped down J2SE.

The solution we were providing was not just about adding those tools
and that's it, we were offering also all kind of frameworks to help
integrate those things in a secure way (service on demand, class
isolation, etc...)

It was a good product in the end, because of this high level of
integration, it offered a very good value added.

Android and iOS are good choices because they offer this value added
too, they have tools, good support and documentation, and lots of
interesting APIs, and everything is well consolidated in a coherent

So the question you're asking "how can we convince customers to invest
in JavaFX" is very simple to answer: help build this ecosystem around
it and consolidate.

The JavaFX community will take care of enabling this ecosystem,
depending on the specific needs of the individuals, over multiple
choices of platforms and operating systems, as soon as the whole thing
goes Open Source, I'm very confident on this.

Ultimately, the choice is yours, and it's most probably driven by
current customers need, but in my opinion it's worth to build extra
skills and code over this platform. [1]


[1] Standard disclaimer apply: This is a personal opinion only, use at
your own risk!
I'm not affiliated in any way with Oracle, nor this opinion is
necessarily shared by my employer or Oracle or anybody else, etc...

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