Making JavaFX Development Faster

Werner Lehmann lehmann at
Thu Oct 18 11:09:15 PDT 2012


the latest links collection on the FX Experience blog includes this:

> DooApp have announced an updated release of their FXForm2 project
> (which can automatically generate forms from Java beans).

Sounds like part of what you asked about (creating forms). I did not 
look into it though.

About auto-generating observable versions of server-side pojos: I am 
sure this could be done with a code generator. However, I am not sure 
this is the best approach. I don't want to come up with a new name for 
my domain bean, and copy data back and forth just so that I can use it 
with controls requiring observable values.

Recently I needed to display a few pojos in a TableView. Getting the 
data in was not difficult with the help of a PropertyValueFactory, as 
described in the TableView JavaDoc. But what if the pojo properties 
change? That's the hard part because TableView won't pick up the 
changes, not even after a repaint. Obviously the reflected value is cached.

I had to jump through quite some hoops to provide TableView with 
observable property wrappers for pojo properties in a somewhat generic 
way. If there only was a method to force an update of a row or cell...


On 18.10.2012 19:39, Mark Fortner wrote:
> One of the big timewasters when it comes to JavaFX projects taking
> your server-side POJOs, creating Observable versions of them, and
> creating forms, and controllers for them.  If you've been doing JEE
> development in the past 5 years then you're probably already using
> Spring ROO, Grails, or some other RAD tooling that makes this type of
> work trivial in the web world.  All of these artifacts are usually
> generated directly from the POJOs.
> So I'm curious if anyone knows of any tools that make that process
> easier and faster?
> Cheers,
> Mark

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