Annotation Processing in Gradle

Richard Bair richard.bair at
Thu Oct 18 16:26:21 PDT 2012

I don't know, for example, I have .java files, .css files, .png and other files, .properties files (that are not build related), and then this property file which actually is build related. It seems like storing the .css files / .png files etc along with the source files in one tree is cleaner (that is, from the IDE I only have one tree expanded instead of two). I'm wondering if it is just a preferences thing or is there a compelling argument one way or the other?

On Oct 18, 2012, at 4:00 PM, Danno Ferrin wrote:

> I would much prefer that it went to the maven/gradle src/main/java style, with resources and java sources.  There is less text in the build file and what is left is really what is relevant to the peculiarities of the build.
> On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 3:38 PM, Richard Bair <richard.bair at> wrote:
> Found it. For some reason, is not being copied over. So the Gradle says:
> project(':build-tools') {
>     sourceSets {
>         main {
>             java {
>                 srcDirs = ['src/java']
>                 exclude "META-INF/services/*"
>             }
>             resources {
>                 srcDirs = ['src/java']
>                 include "META-INF/services/*"
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> So I guess .properties files are not copied as part of the "java" dir normally. I wonder what else isn't copied normally (we've got a bunch of non .java files that are in the java dir. We don't use a separate resources dir).
> Richard
> -- 
> There is nothing that will hold me back.  I know who I am....
> I remember wher I came from, and I feel stronger for knowing.
> Zane, Ninja of Ice.  Ninjago S01E07

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