Lombard? Presidio?

Richard Bair richard.bair at oracle.com
Fri Oct 19 00:48:57 PDT 2012

I've wondered why we don't rename Lombard to 8.0 in JIRA, since that's what it is. Presidio was 2.0, wasn't it? Gosh, I should go to bed. From here out I think we're sticking with version numbers. I'll ask Brian Beck (Brian, are you there?) what the story on that is.


On Oct 18, 2012, at 5:22 PM, Mark Fortner wrote:

> Could somebody add a note in the description of the Lombard & Presidio
> releases in JIRA that explains how these code names map to the current
> JavaFX version numbers?  I think there was some discussion earlier about
> this.  If the description's in JIRA at least it will be easier to set
> expectations.
> Cheers,
> Mark

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