Refactoring JavaFX Builds & Sources

Sven Reimers sven.reimers at
Fri Oct 19 06:45:23 PDT 2012

Comments in-lined..

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 3:10 PM, Kevin Rushforth
<kevin.rushforth at> wrote:
>> Another point: I see that the ultimate goal is to be able to build from an
>> IDE, and this is fine. However, I think that building from command line
>> should still be supported and not require any more than it requires now ...
> I would go farther than that and state:
> Building from the IDE is a very nice developer convenience.

Well, if you want participation from the community easy setup for
hacking and building sources is more than just a convenience...

> Building from the command line is the primary way the product is built and
> must be supported for developer builds.

+1, a must have for CI.


> -- Kevin
> Anthony Petrov wrote:
>> On 10/18/2012 11:16 PM, Richard Bair wrote:
>>> In addition to code generation, we also build a ton of native code
>>> (gstreamer, webkit, prism, fonts, glass, image loading). So that has to fit
>>> into the build system. Building native code is SLOW, so being able to avoid
>>> it for "normal" developers, and being able to avoid native builds when
>>> nothing changed in the native code, is important.
>> Building native code may be slow in general, but building e.g. Glass takes
>> under a minute. Of course I agree that if code hasn't changed, it shouldn't
>> be re-built.
>> One more point: presently we can clone the repository and build just glass
>> itself (which is very fast as I mentioned above). This is useful for quick
>> testing, and also we have a Glass-only demo app that doesn't depend on FX,
>> so we can work on Glass w/o even building the whole FX right now. Can we
>> make the new build system support this kind of partial builds (at least for
>> Glass)?
>> Another point: I see that the ultimate goal is to be able to build from an
>> IDE, and this is fine. However, I think that building from command line
>> should still be supported and not require any more than it requires now
>> (which is basically just `cd to-my-repo && ant`).
>> --
>> best regards,
>> Anthony

Sven Reimers

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