Refactoring JavaFX Builds & Sources

Phil Race philip.race at
Fri Oct 19 09:31:49 PDT 2012

On 10/19/12 8:23 AM, Richard Bair wrote:
> Yes you are right, I am cheating as I haven't built the natives yet. 
> BUT, that's because I am putting a plan in place to reuse the latest 
> built natives (from a hudson job, for example) rather than having to 
> recompile all the natives, so that your "typical" javaFX developer 
> doesn't have to have a native toolchain installed, in which case the 
> build really will only be a few seconds (by few, meaning, 17 or so I 
> think was the last count). I'm on a 3yr old Mac. Richard 

FWIW, remember that eventually (JDK 9?) we will need to build as *part 
of* the JDK build.
The folks working on the new build system are (as I understand it) prefer to
move away from partial builds. Eg they expect you to have the top-level 
repo, hotspot
and the jdk repo. And builds are claimed to be so fast it doesn't matter ..
Also whatever the IDE support we have for Fx builds should not be "2 
build paths"
for us to support.  No one  wants to have test both if they can help it. 
So really
IDE support needs to be another way to 'get at' the underlying support.
And I am not sure if you'll convince the build folks that maven or 
gradle should
be a JDK build dependency. Maybe you understand how this'll all work 
but its not clear to me .. perhaps "modules" can or will be separate 
builds with their
own rules but I don't know if that fits with the apparent direction on 


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