JavaFX Maven Plugin

Tom Eugelink tbee at
Sat Oct 20 23:49:17 PDT 2012

Thanks for sharing Daniel!

On 2012-10-21 06:30, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
> I have tidied up, and open sourced my JavaFX Maven plugin enough that it
> builds executable JARs (equivalent to the fx:jar ant task) and native
> bundles (equivalent to a subset of fx:deploy ant task):
> I was waiting for the bootclasspath issue to get resolved to fix this up
> properly, but since I'm getting further and further away from JFX I figured
> better to tidy it up and hand it over to the community.
> It does work perfectly well enough that you can use it to build real
> distributables of your app via Maven.
> However it wraps only the basic JavaFX plugin features (i.e. you can't
> customise many of the settings), does not support Applets (dead anyway) or
> JNLP (I've never had success getting JNLP to actually work with JFX). It
> likely also has some platform specific bugs and problems, since I have
> tested only on Windows and building MSI's.
> It would be relatively trivial (but time consuming) to extend it further.
> The code is simple but inelegant. Great improvements could be made if the
> JFX deployment team were to make some minor changes to their packaging API
> to make it easier to integrate with. And massive clean-ups could be made if
> they put their tools JAR in a Maven repo that they maintained.
> I don't have any intention to develop this further or maintain it. It is a
> good base but it would be up to someone from the community to do this if
> they want it to do anything more than it does.
> Note this plugin is to address the packaging/assembly issue. It does NOT
> solve the getting-jfx-on-the-classpath-issue. You still need to do whatever
> workaround you're doing now on that front.

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