Memory Leaks

Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Mon Oct 22 14:54:58 PDT 2012

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at
> wrote:

> > Is there an easy way to get a list of issues resolved between releases?
> Here is a JIRA query that should do what you want (for public issues). It
> lists all of the issues marked as "Fixed" in the 2.2.4 release:
> reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%**3D+RT+AND+resolution+%3D+**
> Fixed+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%222.**2.4%22+AND+component+not+in+%**
> 28Tests%2CBuild%29+AND+**issuetype+not+in+%28Test%**2CTask%2CSub-task%29<>
> Here is the same query for 2.2.6:
> reset=true&jqlQuery=project+%**3D+RT+AND+resolution+%3D+**
> Fixed+AND+fixVersion+%3D+%222.**2.6%22+AND+component+not+in+%**
> 28Tests%2CBuild%29+AND+**issuetype+not+in+%28Test%**2CTask%2CSub-task%29<>
> -- Kevin
> Scott Palmer wrote:
>> Thanks guys. RT-23691 might be related to what we are observing.  We
>> aren't even 100% convinced that FX is leaking. I need to study it a bit
>> more.  Attempts at creating a test case that reproduces our issue have not
>> panned out yet.
>> I see that there is a patch attached to that bug.  What is the state of
>> the patch?  Is it going to be applied to 2.2.6?  Sound like it is already
>> too late for 2.2.4, but even that is probably too late for my release
>> anyway, so I'm more interested in workarounds at this point.
>> Is there an easy way to get a list of issues resolved between releases?
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
>> On 2012-10-22, at 10:06 AM, David Grieve <david.grieve at> wrote:
>>> There was a larger leak discovered late in the 2.2 release cycle. This
>>> leak was fixed but another, smaller, leak remained. Unfortunately, this
>>> smaller leak was not fixed because there simply wasn't enough time left in
>>> the release. The issue is being tracked by bug RT-23691. The issue is not
>>> yet resolved.
>>> On Oct 20, 2012, at 6:01 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the response.  8.0 is too far away.  I need to ship my app
>>>> in a
>>>> few weeks.   2.2.3 may be old to you guys, but I just found 2.2.3
>>>> yesterday.  We were on 7u7 and then I discovered that there was a new
>>>> JavaFX runtime in 7u9.. Would have been nice to know!  7u7 shipped not
>>>> too
>>>> long ago with 2.2.0 and I didn't see any sort of announcements that
>>>> there
>>>> was anything newer.
>>>> I will try to isolate the leak.  We think we are seeing
>>>> com.sun.javafx.css.**StyleHelper$CacheEntry and
>>>> com.sun.javafx.css.**StyleHelper$CalculatedValue leaking (at least).
>>>> jvisualvm shows the number of those objects are always growing.
>>>> Comparing
>>>> heap dumps we have never observed the number to decrease.
>>>> I'm currently only able to connect to the machine running my test via
>>>> Remote Desktop, and the screen saver probably keep kicking in, I think
>>>> that
>>>> is affecting the test.  Is JavaFX smart enough to not render when the
>>>> screen is blanked?
>>>> I will try to produce a test case. But if anyone has knowledge about
>>>> this
>>>> that wants to share, any info is appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,,
>>>> Scott
>>>> On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 5:16 PM, Jonathan Giles
>>>> <jonathan.giles at>**wrote:
>>>>> David Grieve is the go-to expert on all things CSS, but from a
>>>>> higher-level perspective the general answer is always: you tell us! :-)
>>>>> There might be a leak we don't know about, or can't easily reproduce,
>>>>> and
>>>>> you might have just the information we need to finally get rid of that
>>>>> annoying leak you mention.
>>>>> So, please, file Jira bugs on us and we'll get to looking at them as
>>>>> soon
>>>>> as possible. If you can provide a reproducible test case that would be
>>>>> hugely appreciated too.
>>>>> Finally, from our point of view JavaFX 2.2.3 is rather old code - we've
>>>>> been actively developing in the 8.0 branch for quite a long time now,
>>>>> and
>>>>> one of our primary focuses during this time has been performance (CPU
>>>>> and
>>>>> memory). In other words, there is a chance it may already be resolved
>>>>> (or
>>>>> minimised) in the 8.0 branch. I know it is a lot to ask, but there are
>>>>> 8.0
>>>>> builds available that you can test with. If you have the time and
>>>>> inclination, it might be worth testing against these builds to see if
>>>>> it is
>>>>> resolved.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> -- Jonathan
>>>>> On 21/10/2012 2:10 a.m., Scott Palmer wrote:
>>>>>> Are there known leaks in 2.2.3 with regards to CSS and style cache
>>>>>> stuff?
>>>>>> In my application I add and remove style classes to highlight objects
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the scene graph that are in various states (selected, active,
>>>>>> disabled,
>>>>>> etc). It seems that every time the style class list is changed that
>>>>>> there
>>>>>> is a small leak.  Since while the app runs and process data (a
>>>>>> process that
>>>>>> may run indefinitely) the state of objects in the graph changes as
>>>>>> data is
>>>>>> processed, this is a significant issue.  Our customers may have the
>>>>>> app
>>>>>> fail after several hours or a few days because of these leaks.
>>>>>> Scott
>>>> <oracle_sig_logo.gif>
>>> David Grieve | Principal Member of Technical Staff
>>> Mobile: +16033121013 Oracle Java Client UI and Tools
>>> Durham, NH 03824 <green-for-email-sig_0.gif> Oracle is committed to
>>> developing practices and products that help protect the environment

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