javafx 8

Johan Vos johan at
Wed Oct 24 12:30:57 PDT 2012

My mistake, I was using an older build of 8EA than b61. Updated to that one
and it's working fine now.
com.sun.javafx.UnmodifiableArrayList.class indeed exists in b61.


- Johan

2012/10/24 <steve.x.northover at>

> Hi Johan,
> I was able to get OpenJFX to build just now and yesterday (on Windows
> under Cygwin) when fixing the build instructions for the OpenJFX wiki.  I
> downloaded jdk-8-ea-bin-b61-windows-i586-**18_oct_2012.exe and followed
> the instructions that I created here:**
> display/OpenJDK/Building+**OpenJFX<>to make sure they were right.
> I realize that the instructions are wrong on OpenJFX and will get to that
> soon.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> On 24/10/2012 2:33 PM, Johan Vos wrote:
>> I have the same issue when working with the source code of JavaFX 8:
>> downloaded an EA bundle of JDK 8, copied the jfxrt.jar to the artifacts
>> directory, and then trying to build open-jfx. There are a number of
>> missing
>> methods or classes in the jfxrt.jar that is bundled with JDK8 EAb61 (e.g.
>> UnmodifiableArrayList which is expected to be in import
>> com.sun.javafx.**UnmodifiableArrayList)
>> Is there a way we can get the latest jfxrt.jar in order to build open-jfx?
>> - Johan
>> 2012/10/24 Joe McGlynn<joe.mcglynn at**>
>>  Indeed, the latest EA release is at least a week behind internal
>>> development work.  So that is entirely possible.
>>> --
>>> On Oct 24, 2012, at 6:40 AM, Tom Eugelink<tbee at>  wrote:
>>>  The JavaFX link only contains demo's. But the JDK8 EA indeed contains a
>>> JavaFX8 jfxrt.jar. Unfortunately that does not seem to be the version
>>> that
>>> the demo app is compiled against (a method is missing). But down to one
>>> error.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> On 2012-10-24 15:19, Knut Arne Vedaa wrote:
>>>>> Haven't tried it myself, but it seems to be available from here, as
>>>> part of JDK8:
>>>>> Knut Arne Vedaa
>>>>> On 24.10.2012 15:07, Tom Eugelink wrote:
>>>>>> Stephen asked me to take a peek at a demo app for JFall next week. It
>>>>>> seems from the compilation errors that it requires JavaFX 8. Is there
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> early access binary release is JFX8 available anywhere? Because since
>>>>>> JFX is not fully open sourced, I do not think I'll be able to compile
>>>>> it
>>>> myself. Or am I?
>>>>>> Tom

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