Making JavaFX Development Faster

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Fri Oct 26 07:42:03 PDT 2012

Not only the memory argument is import.

What if a customer says i have to run on his j9-jvm?

I can be wrong but IIRC Michael told me at JavaOne that the properties
code is even using internal (sun....) stuff so even simply dropping in
the jar to the j9 classpath is doomed to fail.

And beside that using FX-Observables and e.g. JPA don't like each other
i guess because of all those lazy list stuff, ... .


Am 22.10.12 19:23, schrieb Werner Lehmann:
> Richard,
> On 22.10.2012 17:38, Richard Bair wrote:
>> MyObject obj = new MyObject();
>> obj = BlackMagic.makeObservable(obj);
> I'd like to see the implementation of BlackMagic ;-)  (cglib stuff?)
>> However, the javafx beans package and collections and such are part
>> of the "base" module -- ie: they could be separated from the rest of
>> javafx and safely used on the server side or elsewhere. Why not just
>> use properties and such on the server side definition of classes? Or
>> are those classes being auto-generated and thus not taking observable
>> properties into account?
> Currently I want to avoid requiring customers to install the FX runtime
> serverside. That will be a moot point with JRE 7+. Which does not help
> the 6.x customers, especially if they are on WebLogic which is usually
> tied to a specific major version.
> Another aspect is the footprint regarding memory and bandwidth.
> Obviously a StringProperty requires more bytes than a String. This is
> not an issue (usually) when I want to display a relatively short list of
> beans in the UI. It gets noticeable when the server suddenly needs +X
> megabytes, the instantion of objects needs +Y ms (also affects
> deserialization), and sending them over the network takes +Z ms...
> Werner

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