API REVIEW REQUEST: Public API for Node Orientation

steve.x.northover at oracle.com steve.x.northover at oracle.com
Mon Oct 29 08:17:24 PDT 2012

On 29/10/2012 7:49 AM, Pavel Safrata wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> On 26.10.2012 18:41, steve.x.northover at oracle.com wrote:
>>  Hi Pavel!
>> > the inheritance ignoring reparenting.
>> I don't think this was explained well in the documentation.  There 
>> should be no difference in visual behavior for the final result with 
>> respect to the ordering of "orientate" and "insert" operations.
> It seems to be explained well. This is how I understand it, please 
> tell me which of the two statements is incorrect and why:
> I have a left-to-right parent with an inheriting child. I create new 
> parent, "orientate" it to right-to-left and "insert" it between the 
> original parent and the child. Based on "If an application explicitly 
> sets the root of a hierarchy to left-to-right and then reparents the 
> hierarchy into a parent that is right-to-left, the hierarchy will 
> remain left-to-right" I understand that the child will remain 
> left-to-right.
> Again, I have a left-to-right parent with an inheriting child. I 
> create a new parent and "insert" it between the original parent and 
> the child. Then I "orientate" it to right-to-left. Based on 
> "Inheritance of node orientation allows application developers to 
> specify the orientation of a root node and have it apply to all 
> children" I understand that the new orientation will be applied to the 
> child, so it will become right-to-left.

The second statement is true.  The behavior can be summarized as: "When 
not explicitly set, orientation is inherited".  I'm not sure about the 
confusion in the first statement.  The sentence is meant to mean that a 
hierarchy of nodes with an explicitly set root will always have the 
explicitly set orientation of the root no matter where the root is 
reparented.  Perhaps I should delete the sentence and replace it with 
something like what I just said.

>> > How will mirroring cooperate with transformations?
>> The mirroring transformation is transparent to the application and is 
>> included automatically in local-to-scene (it's a bug if it is not).  
>> A public Mirror (or rather Flip) transformation would provide API for 
>> this transformation, but I'm not sure why we would need to do this.
> Ah, that sounds quite good. The only thing that slightly bothers me is 
> the state where there are no transformations anywhere and 
> local-to-scene transform still reports it is not an identity 
> transform, which seems confusing. But perhaps I'm too picky.
>> > Shouldn't effectiveNodeOrientation be a property?
>> That's a possibility.  It would be a properly that changed when 
>> inherited orientation up the ancestor tree changed.  Do we have any 
>> other properties like this in FX?
> localToSceneTransform :-) But I admit there is some extra logic needed 
> for such properties that we don't want to add blindly for performance 
> reasons. So it may be better to just rename the getter to simply 
> effectiveNodeOrientation().

It might be that this needs to be a property after all.  The issue is 
that a child may have state that is sets based on effective orientation 
(say alignment of a text node) and this state needs to be kept up to 
date with effective orientation.  However, providing the method is 
defined correctly, there is nothing stopping it from becoming a property 
in future.  I understand the performance issue.  I will investigate further.

>> > The same applies to isAutomaticallyMirrored.
>> This is a mechanism that allows controls to opt out of mirroring. 
>> Conceptually, it should be "... set once in the constructor and never 
>> changed...".  I am not particularly happy with this method. Do you 
>> have a better suggestion?
> I've just discussed it locally, there are other options but not 
> particularly nice as well. Guys here also prefer your solution because 
> there is no need to store the value. So I'm withdrawing my objections, 
> however, we believe that the method
> - needs a better documentation that will state explicitly that it's 
> supposed to return a constant
> - should be protected (is there any reason for it to be public?)
> - needs a name that doesn't start with "get" or "is"

I will update the documentation to be better.  Can you show me other 
examples where the "get" and "is" are not used in FX where they might 
normally be used?  I am not a fan of protected.  Other than indicating 
explicitly that subclasses are supposed to override this method, are 
there any other benefits?

>> > Could you please elaborate on "the application will need to 
>> configure parameters that are appropriate for the effect in both 
>> orientations"?
>> For example, if you want a light source effect to come from the upper 
>> left corner when a control is RTL, you will need to create an effect 
>> where the light source comes from the upper right corner so that when 
>> the control is mirrored, it will come from the left.
> Hmm, I would prefer to do that automatically, I don't think anybody 
> wants the reversed shadow just because the reading direction is 
> different. But it looks like it would require serious rework of 
> effects which is probably not feasible..

This issue is this:  You can't know what the application wants.  In some 
cases, it is using an effect as part of a control theme and it makes 
sense for the effect to go from right-to-left when the orientation 
changes.  In other cases, there is directionality involved that should 
remain constant (like the car example in the documentation).

> Pavel
>> Steve
>> On 26/10/2012 9:16 AM, Pavel Safrata wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> I have a few comments/questions.
>>> I'm not sure about the inheritance ignoring reparenting. I think 
>>> that if an application will use orientation extensively it will 
>>> reach a hard-to-trace "mess state" where most of the nodes "inherit" 
>>> but they don't actually have the parent's value. Also it means that 
>>> peforming "orientate parent" - "insert it into scene" will result in 
>>> a different behavior than "insert" first and then "orientate", which 
>>> seems confusing. What if I create a new node and insert it into 
>>> scene, will it inherit form its new parent? In summary, I find this 
>>> behavior hard to track and I think that when the value is Inherit it 
>>> should always match the parent's orientation.
>>> How will mirroring cooperate with transformations? For instance user 
>>> can obtain local-to-scene transformation and if the mirrorring is 
>>> not contained there, the computations with the transform (such as 
>>> transforming points) will be wrong. Maybe we could just introduce a 
>>> public Mirror (or rather Flip) transformation and use it publicly 
>>> for the mirrorring?
>>> How will it behave in 3D? Mirror nodes along X axis regardless of 
>>> their z-direction volume?
>>> Shouldn't effectiveNodeOrientation be a property? It seems it might 
>>> make sense to observe the value. Also our naming convention is that 
>>> you should not use getSomthing unless "something" is a property.
>>> The same applies to isAutomaticallyMirrored. This method seems weird 
>>> anyway. When and how often is it called? Can a node change the value 
>>> dynamically? If yes, we should have a property, if not, we should 
>>> make sure it doesn't - let the node call some init method in the 
>>> constructor or something like that.
>>> Could you please elaborate on "the application will need to 
>>> configure parameters that are appropriate for the effect in both 
>>> orientations"? How do I drop the shadow to the same direction for 
>>> all nodes, specifically?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pavel
>>> On 23.10.2012 22:30, steve.x.northover at oracle.com wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I have been looking into Node Orientation which is an API that 
>>>> controls the directionality of a Node.  This is different from BIDI 
>>>> or the BIDI algorithm which governs the direction of text. Node 
>>>> orientation concerns the flow of visual data which is either 
>>>> left-to-right or right-to-left.  The best example is a tree 
>>>> control.  In tree control that is oriented right-to-left, the 
>>>> expansion arrows point to the right and the branches of the tree 
>>>> expand from the right to the left.
>>>> https://wikis.oracle.com/display/OpenJDK/Node+Orientation+in+JavaFX
>>>> Steve

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