API request: Adding WebEngine.userAgent

Randahl Fink Isaksen randahl at rockit.dk
Wed Oct 31 17:21:36 PDT 2012

Richard, I agree with choosing a JavaFX specific user agent string rather than pretending to be somebody else, but if we do, it should be documented that the default user agent string should only be used, if the JavaFX WebView is not used to visit arbitrary websites. Once a user goes surfing the full web through the WebView there is a risk that some sites might break, since they do not know how to handle a JavaFX specific user agent.

Perhaps it would be relevant to support both an ideal, honest JavaFX specific user agent string and a Mozilla/X variant and let developers switch between these two depending on the application use case.


On Oct 31, 2012, at 22:27 , Richard Bair <Richard.Bair at oracle.com> wrote:

> Good question! What is the default value we want to use? "JavaFX-Webkit" or something?'
> On Oct 31, 2012, at 9:41 AM, Werner Lehmann wrote:
>> On second thought, I don't know this tag in Javadoc. Maybe it means "has a default value? yes".
>> On 31.10.2012 17:22, Werner Lehmann wrote:
>>> I suggest to use a different defaultValue though

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