High performance text component

Felipe Heidrich felipe.heidrich at oracle.com
Tue Sep 4 11:34:10 PDT 2012

> Felipe, we should update the documents on the WIKI to refer to the "Rich Text API" instead of DOM API because I fear this can get confusing! Other than those of us internally who have argued for / against the Attributed String style vs. the DOM style, most people probably won't get the subtlety, having missed the context.

Should I rename Div to Paragraph, Span to Text ?

> So as you can see, the "document object model" here is just the scene graph (there are many DOMs in the world, Bilbo, and none of them should be used lightly!).
> The Paragraph node is just a very specialized layout container, which knows how to layout text nodes properly. Felipe, can you add a sample of complex text and show how that works?

Sure, https://wikis.oracle.com/display/OpenJDK/Rich+Text+API+Samples#RichTextAPISamples-Sample6BidiText


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