High performance text component

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Wed Sep 5 09:21:38 PDT 2012

On 9/5/2012 9:10 AM, Richard Bair wrote:
>>>> Felipe, we should update the documents on the WIKI to refer to the "Rich Text API" instead of DOM API because I fear this can get confusing! Other than those of us internally who have argued for / against the Attributed String style vs. the DOM style, most people probably won't get the subtlety, having missed the context.
>>> Done,
>>> Should I rename Div to Paragraph, Span to Text ?
>> We already have 'Text'. Is this different or could we reuse what's already there.
> That is an open question, although personally I would prefer that we just reuse the Text object. We have to make sense of a Text placed in a "Paragraph" anyway, even if we had a separate Span, so it seems more sensible to just make Text make sense.

I'd also prefer to at least try to re-use Text and resort to a new class 
only if it we learn
through experience that its going to be to problematic.
>> Just checking: the 'Paragraph' isn't just a FlowPane with special support for line wrapping text is it? I.e FlowPane.setWordWrapEnabled(true).
> I imagine the implementation is completely different, and the spacing etc parameters on FlowPane might not be sensible for a Paragraph. Plus, it is in the wrong package (we will need package private access to Text internals).

I think its important to make clear that its not a general purpose 
and I can't imagine the maintainers of FlowPane want to have to learn not
to break the text usage etc. And FlowPane supports vertical layout too, 
is likely to be a tricky one and if we do vertical text layout even then 
I wouldn't bet on
it fitting well. So making it something different and putting it in 
javafx.scene.text seems right.

BTW can I throw TextLayoutPane and RichTextPane into the mix as possible 
names ..

> Richard

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