High performance text component

Phil Race philip.race at oracle.com
Thu Sep 6 09:23:17 PDT 2012


Yep, this is just the scene graph node, not the UI component/control.
The original subject line for this thread came from someone external looking
to build an editor. We continued that thread rather than  renaming it.

So I don't think you made this mistake but perhaps it would help if everyone
thinks of this proposal as "A Rich Text SceneGraph *Node*".
Not a "component" which is often a synomym for "UI control".

That editor might well  be positioned as such a control built around the
scene graph node just as the TextField and TextArea are built around the
Text node.


On 9/6/2012 8:41 AM, Felipe Heidrich wrote:
>> What are the thoughts on editing capabilities?
>> For example, will there eventually be a control based on this work in the platform which supplements or becomes the implementation for the HTMLEditor?
> Yes, but unfortunately the rich text editor is not in the plan for the current release (8.0).
> Regards
> Felipe

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