API Review: Allow POJOs as root in SelectBinding

John Hendrikx hjohn at xs4all.nl
Mon Sep 17 06:18:14 PDT 2012

  The possibilities with Bindings like this are endless... I already 
wrote my own Bindings style helper class that allows Maps, Lists and 
public final Property *fields* as select steps :-)

On 17-9-2012 14:02, Michael Heinrichs wrote:
> Hi,
> I am working on a feature request to allow the usage of POJOs in SelectBindings (e.g. Bindings.select(myNode, "boundsInLocal", "minX"). As I also want to allow POJOs as the root of a SelectBinding, I plan to add the following methods in the class Bindings:
> public static<T>  ObjectBinding<T>  select(Object root, String... steps)
> public static DoubleBinding selectDouble(Object root, String... steps)
> public static FloatBinding selectFloat(Object root, String... steps)
> public static IntegerBinding selectInteger(Object root, String... steps)
> public static LongBinding selectLong(Object root, String... steps)
> public static BooleanBinding selectBoolean(Object root, String... steps)
> public static StringBinding selectString(Object root, String... steps)
> The current select-methods, that only accept an ObservableValue<?>  for the root, will be marked as deprecated and should be removed when we do an incompatible update of the JavaFX API.
> Thanks,
> Michael

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