Applets issue - 32bit browsers and 64bit JVM

Joe McGlynn joe.mcglynn at
Wed Sep 19 06:29:08 PDT 2012

Hi Pedro,

This is certainly a problem we want to address.  It's not new, nor is it even specific to FX applets/web start applications.  In the past it hasn't been as big a problem as most 64 bit systems still had 32 bit browsers.

We believe we can address this by supplying a more universal "plugin" that can launch the app using either a 32 bit of 64 bit JRE.  It's significantly simpler for webstart, but theoretically possible for applets as well.  Then users only have one JRE installed, and we can launch the app regardless of which one they've installed.

There is a grey area that requires more thought -- what about applications that depend on native code?  How can we make specifying both platform-specific an chip arch-specific native extensions practical?


Joe McGlynn | Senior Software Manager
Phone: +1 4082763383 | Mobile: +1 8312399494 
Oracle Java Platform
4220 Network Circle | Santa Clara, CA 95054
Skype: joebmcglynn

Oracle is committed to developing practices and products that help protect the environment

On Sep 19, 2012, at 6:02 AM, Pedro Duque Vieira <pedro.duquevieira at> wrote:

> Hi,
> A while has passed and this problem persists. Users of a 64bit machine will
> install the 64 bit JVM, as they go to run an applet or webstart on their
> browser it will fail and ask the user to install java although it is
> already installed. It fails cause the majority of web browsers are 32bit
> even ie64bit can't be easily set up as the default browser (open ie64bit,
> go to internet options and than click the programs tab, it won't let you
> set ie64 as the default web browser).
> The question is, when will this issue get addressed and more importantly *when
> will we be able to deploy applets (or even webstart) and be sure users will
> be able to run them?* Is this a top priority for java, or is it not such an
> urgent issue?
> I have given some thought to this particular issue and have a few possible
> solutions in mind (of course this is just my 2 cents, just trying to help
> reach a solution):
>   1. When user downloads JVM, download and install both JVM 32bit and
>   64bit version.
>   2. When user download JVM, download both JVM 32bit and 64bit and install
>   32bit version on demand.
>   3. When user downloads 64bit JVM, prepare the system so that when the
>   user tries to run a 32bit applet it will automatically download and install
>   a 32bit JVM in a transparent way, to run the applet.
> Thanks, best regards,
> -- 
> Pedro Duque Vieira

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