Proposal: Deprecate Builders

Eva Krejcirova eva.krejcirova at
Thu Apr 4 04:06:39 PDT 2013

On 4.4.2013 12:52, Tom Schindl wrote:
> Useing annotation sounds like a good idea. Just to see if I get this 
> we'd have something like this then:
> public MyClass {
>   public MyClass(@FXMLValue("x") int x, @FXMLValue("y") int y) {
>   }
> }
Yes. Or we could use already existing java.beans.ConstructorProperties 
annotation. It would look like:
public MyClass {
  @ConstructorProperties({"x", "y"})
   public MyClass(int x, int y) {



> On 04.04.13 12:44, Milan Kubec wrote:
>> Yes and that's exactly the reason I've created the list of classes that
>> are affected by Builders removal.
>> We are thinking about some kind of annotations for constructor 
>> parameters.
>>    Milan
>> Dne 4.4.2013 11:30, Tom Schindl napsal(a):
>>> Hi,
>>> Well this is the internal list but what we should not forget is what
>>> happens if I created a class with readonly attributes (=has
>>> constructor args).
>>> In case we remove the builders we need to have a replacement how to
>>> integrate those objects into FXML.
>>> Tom

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