JavaFX 3D : Is FXML support for TriangleMesh available or planned?

Kevin Rushforth kevin.rushforth at
Tue Apr 9 04:14:41 PDT 2013


-- Kevin

Tom Schindl wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> I just tried writing a custom Builder. If the builder is implemented 
> by the JavaFX team (and found in the same package as the original 
> class) things work smoothly.
> What currently does not work is if I try to contribute FXML a custom 
> builder by setting the BuilderFactory. Somehow the FXML-Loader still 
> tries to locate informations which is just plain wrong. I'll file an 
> extra bug for this against FXML - in case the FX-Team does not provide 
> them we could at least fix the problem ourselves by setting a custom 
> builder factory on the FXMLLoader.
> Tom
> On 09.04.13 12:59, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> I just filed the following JIRA to address this:
>> Milan can comment on whether it is feasible for FX 8.
>> -- Kevin
>> August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh wrote:
>>> So, is it assumed that JavaFX 8 will not provide FXML support for
>>> TriangleMesh and in consequence JavaFX Scene Builder will not be able
>>> to render 3D scenes?
>>> I'm inquisitive because I intend to write an FXML-converter/exporter
>>> for 3D models and scenes.
>>> August
>>> Am Montag, den 08.04.2013, 13:32 +0200 schrieb Milan Kubec
>>> <milan.kubec at>:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> this functionality is not yet implemented in FXML.
>>>>   Milan
>>>> Dne 8.4.2013 11:08, August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh napsal(a):
>>>>> FXMLLoader loads following MeshView element correctly with an 'empty'
>>>>> TriangleMesh.
>>>>> How do I add elements for the primitive arrays of points, texCoords,
>>>>> etc.?
>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>> <?import javafx.scene.paint.*?>
>>>>> <?import javafx.scene.shape.*?>
>>>>> <MeshView>
>>>>>     <material>
>>>>>         <PhongMaterial>
>>>>>             <diffuseColor>
>>>>>                 <Color red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0"/>
>>>>>             </diffuseColor>
>>>>>         </PhongMaterial>
>>>>>     </material>
>>>>>     <mesh>
>>>>>         <TriangleMesh>
>>>>>             <!-- TODO float[] points -->
>>>>>             <!-- TODO float[] texCoords -->
>>>>>             <!-- TODO int[] faces -->
>>>>>             <!-- TODO int[] faceSmoothingGroups -->
>>>>>         </TriangleMesh>
>>>>>     </mesh>
>>>>> </MeshView>
>>>>> Thanks, August

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