Capture mouse in a bounding box?

Herve Girod herve.girod at
Sat Apr 13 08:30:09 PDT 2013

Sorry for the misspellings.

2013/4/13 Herve Girod <herve.girod at>

> *> I have a few use cases for this sort of thing, I use the Robot class to reposition the mouse cursor to solve it.  Is there an official Robot for JavaFX in 8.0?
> > Some other cases:
> > - A control that you grab and while the button is pressed the mouse is spinning a wheel or something like that.  You don't want the cursor to hit the edge of the screen and stop sending events.
> > - Aiming in a first-person shooter.. same thing, you want to keep getting events, so you must prevent the mouse cursor from hitting a screen edge.
> > Scott*
> We use Java apps for avionics displays simulation. In this context, xe use Robot with Swing because we use a joystick or a trackball rather than a mouse, and we put restrictions on the parts of the displays that can be accessed. Also we also are sometimes implement a caging effect on text fields where we don't allow the selector to exit the widget focus zone "easily".
> Hervé

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