JavaFX 3D : TriangleMesh specification questions

August Lammersdorf, InteractiveMesh sdn at
Sun Apr 14 10:29:44 PDT 2013

 Hi Chien,

 the smoothing group assignment proceder of my model importers is now 
 adapted to support the flat shaded group 0 and the smooth shaded groups 
 1 to 31 with improved speed.

 Which early access JDK 8 build will most likely include your changes?


 Am Dienstag, den 09.04.2013, 09:28 +0200 schrieb Chien Yang 
 <chien.yang at>:
> Hi August,
>     We will still limit the number of smoothing group from 1 to 32.
> However this change will allow sharing of smoothing groups with
> adjacent faces so that the edges between them are rendered as smooth.
> Value "0" implies no smoothing group (or hard edges), not flat shaded
> (though it may look like it). We doubt there is much performance
> differences in the assignment of the smoothing group id.
> Thanks,
> - Chien

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