Prism d3d & es2 pipeline + javafx-iio are now open source

Johan Vos johan at
Tue Apr 23 11:26:22 PDT 2013

This is great news, it marks the beginning of a new era :)
Thanks to the whole JavaFX team.

- Johan

2013/4/23 Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushforth at>

> Hi,
> We just open-sourced the following FX sub-projects:
> 1. Prism HW pipelines: prism-es2* and prism-d3d*
> This completes the open-sourcing of Prism and includes the Java and native
> code for the two Prism pipelines, including the platform-specific Prism
> code for Windows, Mac, Linux, eglfb (for embedded Linux-arm), IOS, and
> Android.
> 2. Image loaders: javafx-iio*
> The native pieces for all of the above are now be built with "ant jar" but
> the native libraries are not yet copied to the "dist" directory (just like
> the decora native libraries). I may or may not address that, since we will
> eventually switch to the gradle build.
> -- Kevin

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