How can i help

Pete Brunet peter.brunet at
Tue Apr 23 13:39:42 PDT 2013

Hi Mario, The note wasn't private but since this forum is like being at
a very large party it seemed more appropriate, at least to me, to give
Jann a person to person greeting.  For example, at a large party I
wouldn't stand at a microphone and begin a relationship like that.  In
any event, I basically told Jann a little about myself and asked him to
share his Java/JavaFX experience and current OS/AT capability.  If you
feel this exchange should be public I'll post more later.  -Pete

On 4/23/13 3:25 PM, Mario Torre wrote:
> Hi Pete,
> Unless is really a private matter, I guess it would be best to keep
> this discussion on the list, so we can all benefit from this feedback.
> Cheers,
> Mario
> Il giorno 23/apr/2013 22:22, "Pete Brunet" <peter.brunet at
> <mailto:peter.brunet at>> ha scritto:
>     I've sent a note to Jann.
>     Pete Brunet
>     JavaFX Accessibility Development
>     On 4/23/13 12:26 PM, Jann Schneider wrote:
>     > Hello,
>     >
>     > I am a software developer from Germany. I am blind and have been
>     working
>     > with Java for 7 years now.
>     > As JavaFX is going to be the new standard for UI programming in
>     Java, I'm of
>     > course very interessted in its accessibility.
>     >
>     > So I was wondering how I could help with these things. Maybe I
>     could do some
>     > testing and reporting of issues or even supply some patches if
>     I'm able to.
>     >
>     > Regards
>     > Jann
>     >

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