JavaFX and iOS - it will remain a dream
Tom Schindl
tom.schindl at
Thu Aug 1 01:39:06 PDT 2013
If you want to take a look at the sources, they are available at
Code is written in xtend - don't judge the code yet, I simply want
something going.
The process of the conversion looks like this:
FXML => Internal Memory Model => Java
^ ^
SaxParser Converter
So I think your request to have different languages as output is
possible by implementing e.g. a JavaScript converter.
For you second request: Yes there's a helper class named
ExtendedFXMLLoader which you feed a FXML-Path and which at first tries
to load a compiled class and falling back to FXML if not found (see
attached sample).
The "biggest" problem I have with Controller-Fields and Methods who are
NOT public or package private (depends on the location of the FXML
relative to its controller) because there I still need to use
reflection. Anyone a good idea to get around reflection in case I can't
directly access them?
For the initial version I'll simply immediately fallback to reflection
and we could get smarter later on.
I'll expect a first version which supports the most basic stuff to get
out in the next few days. Attached you see my current state. You'll
notice the most basic things already work:
* Simple properties
* Sub-Trees including default properties
* Static properties
* Properties who need to be created through Builders
But naturally there's still a lot left to do ;-)
On 31.07.13 16:42, Danno Ferrin wrote:
> Where is the code base for this converter? Done properly it can also be
> written to spit out the generated stubs, as well as output in any
> language the user may prefer. A top grade implementation could
> integrate with FXMLLoader for a seamless experience ala .bss files.
> On Tuesday, July 30, 2013, Tom Schindl wrote:
> I don't think it is a good idea to use fxml on embedded and mobile,
> we are working on a fxml => java converter so you can add it to your
> build process.
> Tom
> Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 31.07.2013 um 08:11 schrieb Niklas Therning <niklas at
> <javascript:;>>:
> >>>> after many days trying to really build iOS apps with JavaFX and
> RoboVM
> >> or
> >>>> Avian I’m very frustrated because of the following things:
> >>>>
> >>>> Based on RoboVM, JavaFX on iOS runs unacceptable slow - I don’t
> know
> >> the
> >>>> reason - maybe it’s the rendering model of JavaFX - maybe it’s the
> >>>> currently unoptimized RoboVM
> >>>> One big problem of RoboVM is it’s dependence of the Android
> library, it
> >>>> does not support the OpenJDK. That’s a big reason for many many
> >> problems
> >>>> when using JavaFX. So currently it’s not possible to use fxml files
> >>>> (FXMLoader) because of the missing Stax xml parser and classes like
> >>>> XMLInputFactory in the android library…
> >
> > There's now a compatibility library for the jfx78 backport which
> includes
> > the missing sun.* classes from OpenJDK [1]. So that will not be a
> problem
> > when running on RoboVM/Android. Daniel Zwolenski is working on
> getting this
> > into Maven which will make it nice and easy to develop with
> RoboVM+OpenJFX.
> >
> > FXMLLoader relies an StAX and the Java Scripting API. Those can
> both be
> > made to work on RoboVM/Android. The POM of the compat project [1]
> contains
> > optional dependencies on the StAX API and JSR 223 API. For StAX
> you'll also
> > need a StAX provider [2][3]. For scripting you'll need a JSR 223
> > implementation of the scripting language you're using, like Rhino for
> > JavaScript [4][5]. Please note that I haven't tested FXML but it
> should
> > work (in theory at least ;-) ). Please give it a go. It will be a
> great
> > blog story if you can make it work on iOS.
> >
> > As for the performance issues with RoboVM+OpenJFX: those WILL be
> addressed!
> > You can either wait for it to happen or you can help out. One way
> to do
> > that would be sample code that exercises the code paths that need
> to be
> > optimized (e.g. the button rendering you posted about earlier).
> Preferably
> > the sample should run repeatedly without user interaction. You
> should then
> > be able to run Apple's Instruments application to profile this
> sample. This
> > will help us determine what needs to be optimized.
> >
> > /Niklas
> >
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> > [4]
> > [5]
> >
-------------- next part --------------
package test;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.fxml.ExtendedFXMLLoader;
import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class CompiledTest extends Application {
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
ExtendedFXMLLoader l = new ExtendedFXMLLoader();
try {
BorderPane p = l.load(getClass().getClassLoader(), "test/Sample.fxml");
Scene s = new Scene(p,300,300);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static void main(String[] args) {
-------------- next part --------------
package test;
import org.eclipse.fx.core.fxml.FXMLDocument;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.lang.*;
import javafx.geometry.Insets;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;
import javafx.geometry.InsetsBuilder;
public class Sample extends FXMLDocument<BorderPane> {
public BorderPane load(ResourceBundle bundle) {
BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
Button e_1 = new Button();
e_1.setText("Hello World");
HBox e_2 = new HBox();
Label e_3 = new Label();
e_3.setText("Label 1");
Label e_4 = new Label();
e_4.setText("Label 1");
Insets e_5;
InsetsBuilder e_5Builder = InsetsBuilder.create();
e_5 =;
VBox e_6 = new VBox();
Label e_7 = new Label();
e_7.setText("Def 1");
Label e_8 = new Label();
e_8.setText("Def 2");
VBox e_9 = new VBox();
Label e_10 = new Label();
e_10.setText("Label 1");
GridPane e_11 = new GridPane();
Label e_12 = new Label();
e_12.setText("In Grid 0/0");
Label e_13 = new Label();
e_13.setText("In Grid 0/1");
return root;
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