Multiple JFXPanel?

Pedro Duque Vieira pedro.duquevieira at
Wed Aug 7 08:13:02 PDT 2013

Hi Anton,

Thank you very much for your effort!

Best regards,

On Sat, Jul 6, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Anton V. Tarasov
<anton.tarasov at>wrote:

>  Hi Pedro,
> On 05.08.2013 2:13, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
> Hi Anton,
>  Thanks for your reply.
>  Actually I wasn't clear enough when I explained my app.
> My app is composed of a MDI style interface but each window belongs to the
> same JFrame, so there is only one JFrame but multiple internal frames. One
> of these internal frames has a JFXPanel with a scene in it. I intend to
> migrate the rest of the internal frames to javafx one by one using this
> approach.
> Sorry, I didn't get it.
>  My question was is this a viable way to do this? Or am I going to pay a
> performance penalty from having multiple JFXPanels (hence multiple scenes)
> inside the same app (the same JFrame)?
> Actually, it doesn't matter for an embedded scene where you embed it, to a
> separate frame or to an internal one. In both the cases the embedded scene
> will have the same machinery behind.
> Just for curiosity, I've modified my testcase to be MDI like and got the
> same performance scores.
> So, your case should not bring any additional performance decrease, except
> for the difference b/w your fx & swing implementations which may depend.
> Thanks,
> Anton.
>  From what people have told me in this mailing list, they are using
> multiple JFXPanels without any significant performance penalty, anyway it
> would be interesting hearing the opinion from you, JavaFX dev team guys.
>  Thanks once again for your replies, best regards,
> On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Anton V. Tarasov <anton.tarasov at
> > wrote:
>> Hi Pedro,
>> I've made the following experiment. I've created two simple test cases:
>> one is pure fx stage showing WebView which animated some guimark2
>> benchmarks, another one is the same WebView wrapped with JFXPanel put in
>> JFrame.
>> I ran each test case with a single, two or four toplevels (Stages or
>> JFrames, appropriately) and measured performance difference. I noticed that
>> for the swing test case, adding more toplevels decreased performance with
>> the same proportion like the fx test case did (despite the fact that fx
>> performed relatively faster, of course). For instance, for the Vector
>> Charting Test the ratio was directly proportional to the number of
>> toplevels, that is doubling the toplevels decreased performance by two
>> times equally for both fx and swing cases.
>> This more or less proves the fact that adding another embedded scene into
>> your app doesn't bring anything except another scene.
>> Thanks,
>> Anton.
>> On 01.08.2013 2:45, Pedro Duque Vieira wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have a doubt. I have a swing app with embed javafx scene. My app has
>>> kind
>>> of a MDI style interface. Right now only one window has been converted to
>>> JavaFX, basically it's a window with a JFXPanel in it.
>>> My question is if I want to convert the other windows as well should I
>>> also
>>> put a JFXPanel in them? I would than have 2 JFXPanels in my app, does
>>> that
>>> mean I would have 2 JavaFX scenes? Is that the way to do it? Would that
>>> seriously hurt performance?
>>> Thank you in advance, best regards,
>  --
> Pedro Duque Vieira

Pedro Duque Vieira

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