Proposal to move default style-class from Control to SkinBase

David Grieve david.grieve at
Wed Aug 7 18:09:18 PDT 2013

I appreciate the feedback and would like to point you to Your constructive criticism and input is welcome there, too.

On Aug 7, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Pedro Duque Vieira <pedro.duquevieira at> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I'm not going to directly answer your question but I'm rather gonna touch
> on a problem I see regarding JavaFX CSS. Forgive me for not directly
> sticking to the subject of your email.
> The issue I see is that JavaFX CSS significantly differs from W3C CSS, that
> is the CSS that is used on the web.
> I've already touch this subject before but didn't have much answer from
> this mailing list. The reason why I bring it back again is that the more I
> do web development the more this seems unappropriated.
> Having JavaFX CSS differ from W3C CSS has the following disadvantages:
>   - Designers coming from web development (they are the majority) will
>   struggle with JavaFX CSS
>   - Cannot use CSS pre-processors like SASS, LESS, Compass thus missing
>   out on this tooling that significantly enhances CSS. You can do really cool
>   stuff with Compass.
>   - Cannot reuse what already is out there on the web. And there are a
>   huge amount of examples there.
>   - Re-inventing the wheel. My personal opinion is that you should try to
>   harness the work that already exists especially when you have few
>   resources.  People have already spent some time on this, tested and fixed
>   issues with it. So why not "stand on the shoulder of giants".
> I'm not saying you should introduce CSS layout, that is a headache and a
> problem that they're trying to solve in CSS3, but all the rest can be
> changed to be the same as CSS. You can even have both working side by side,
> the current JavaFX CSS and a newer more W3C conforming CSS so that you
> don't break existing apps.
> I don't see any advantage of having a CSS different from W3C one, if I was
> going to make one different I would have created a newer more simpler
> language to express an apps appearance. Not used CSS.
> Thanks, best regards,
> -- 
> Pedro Duque Vieira

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