How to raise JavaFX iOS bugs?

Daniel Zwolenski zonski at
Thu Aug 8 15:08:16 PDT 2013

No, I didn't get a chance. Probably easier for you to just raise it now?

It's going to be a pretty big round loop to get ios fixes in. It first needs to go into jfx then needs to be merged into the backport, then that needs to be deployed to maven, then the maven plugin needs to be updated to refer to the new version, then the maven plugin needs to be deployed to maven. 

I could simplify the last step by allowing the version of jfx backport to be configurable.

As I've raised in previous emails, help would be good. I don't suppose any oracle people could be allocated to merging changed into the backport on a regular basis (eg weekly) - even on an unofficial, non-publicly-commited arrangement? 

On 09/08/2013, at 7:38 AM, steve.x.northover at wrote:

> Hi Daniel,
> Did you log a bug for the TextField problem?  If you have not done so, please do.  If you use "iOS:" as a prefix for the title of the bug and use iOS as a label, that should help people find iOS related bugs.  I have a fix for the problem you are seeing.  The text skin thinks that because iOS has touch, it needs to show resize handles in the text field.
> Steve
> On 01/08/2013 6:08 PM, Daniel Zwolenski wrote:
>> So now the Maven stuff is working (
>> I'm gradually starting to muck around with the iOS stuff.
>> There are problems - how do I raise them? Should I log JIRAs? Should I
>> bring them up here, etc? Will you guys start running jfx on iOS now that
>> it's possible and are bug fixes within your allowance to work on given iOS
>> is not a supported platform?
>> For example, in the hello world example, I've included a TextField. When I
>> start typing in it on my iPad the field starts changing size to accommodate
>> the auto-correction popup, which looks very weird. Should I log that as a
>> bug against Controls?

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