Poor quality font rendering

John Hendrikx hjohn at xs4all.nl
Thu Aug 22 08:04:46 PDT 2013

On 22/08/2013 16:45, Phil Race wrote:
> On 8/22/13 12:29 AM, John Hendrikx wrote:
>>     System.setProperty("prism.lcdtext", "false");
> So you deliberately asked for it to be different than usual Windows 
> apps ?
> I'm not sure why you do this, but if its in effect we can't expect to 
> make any
> comparisons since IE10 etc will use LCD text I think. Its is the case 
> on Windows
> pretty much everywhere MS can apply it.
Sorry, don't confuse me with John T. -- I don't know what he did.   I've 
turned it off simply because of the numerous issues with LCD rendering 
(but those are not JavaFX specific) -- it is turned off system-wide 
though, so if I wanted to make a comparison, I should still be able to.

Anyway, I'm not making any direct comparisons (certainly not with IE10), 
but look at the screenshot, and see how poorly the "2" glyph is rendered 
in the top bar.  This wasn't like that before and I've had that top bar 
in for well over a year now.


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