Call static content

Tom Schindl tom.schindl at
Sat Aug 24 12:41:57 PDT 2013

This is more a user group question! A node can be shown only in one
place. If you want to reuse the same image load the image into
javafx.scene.Image and set it to different ImageView-Nodes.


On 24.08.13 21:01, Peter Penzov wrote:
> I have this code from JavaFX application:
> private static final ImageView ncpic;
>     static {
>         ncpic = new
> ImageView(TabContent.class.getResource("/images/6.jpg").toExternalForm());
>     }
> I noticed that I can use this picture only once. When I use it twice the
> scene where I call it it's empty. How I can use this picture twice or more
> times? Maybe this is caused by the static java method which I call to
> display the picture?
> quick example:
> public class TabContent {
>     private static final ImageView ncpic;
>         static {
>             ncpic = new
> ImageView(TabContent.class.getResource("/images/6.jpg").toExternalForm());
>         }
>         private static StackPane generalConfiguration() {
>             StackPane stack = new StackPane();
>             stack.getChildren().addAll(ncpic);   // Add the picture
> and the Label
>             return stack;
>         }}
> I use it this way: TabContent.generalConfiguration() And second time in
> different Java Class.

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