hg: openjfx/8/graphics/rt: Somewhat better scrolling apps. The same number of square tiles should be visible in all modes. Really we would expect to see nearly identical performance for all of the different #s of nodes involved.

hang.vo at oracle.com hang.vo at oracle.com
Mon Aug 26 22:17:24 PDT 2013

Changeset: f38f1c104f28
Author:    rbair
Date:      2013-08-26 22:03 -0700
URL:       http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/8/graphics/rt/rev/f38f1c104f28

Somewhat better scrolling apps. The same number of square tiles should be visible in all modes. Really we would expect to see nearly identical performance for all of the different #s of nodes involved.

! apps/performance/GraphicsPerformance/src/main/java/nodecount/BenchTest.java
! apps/performance/GraphicsPerformance/src/main/java/scrolling/PixelAlignedTranslatingGridTest.java
! apps/performance/GraphicsPerformance/src/main/java/scrolling/ScrollPaneGridTest.java
! apps/performance/GraphicsPerformance/src/main/java/scrolling/ScrollingBenchBase.java
! apps/performance/GraphicsPerformance/src/main/java/scrolling/TranslatingGridTest.java

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