Poor quality font rendering

John C. Turnbull ozemale at ozemail.com.au
Wed Aug 28 02:26:11 PDT 2013

Hi Felipe,

Thanks for the info.

Is kerning planned for a Java 8 update or will it have to wait for 9?  Or

One more thing I have just noticed is that the way the text is rendered in a
Text object with LCD font smoothing is quite different from a Label (with
the Text object looking better and closer to native text).

While I concede that the "better" font rendering I thought I observed in
WebView is probably an illusion, there is definitely a difference between
Text and Label (at least on this machine).

Why would that be?  Are they rendered differently?



-----Original Message-----
From: openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
[mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Felipe Heidrich
Sent: Wednesday, 28 August 2013 01:30
To: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net List
Subject: Re: Poor quality font rendering

Hi John,

> 1. Sub-pixel positioning ( 
> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-14187 )

Yes, if all goes well RT-14187 will get fixed for FX8.

-On Mac we already have sub-pixel positioned glyphs.
-LCD text we also have sub-pixel positioned glyphs.
-The main one that I feel we are missing is grayscale text for Windows.
-It is very unlikely we will have time to do anything for Linux this time

2. Kerning ( https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-7472 )

Not target for 8.

3. Is it just my imagination.

Webview node and text node both use the very same drawing code in Prism.
I would not expect to see any difference...

I hope this helps,

On Aug 27, 2013, at 3:42 AM, John C. Turnbull wrote:

> I am still hoping someone can answer my questions on this topic 
> (included here for convenience):
>> 1. When will both (1) and (2) make it into a JDK8 development build?
>> 2. Are there any other plans/techniques to improve font rendering on 
>> the
> horizon for JFX8 or later?
> But I noticed something further which I think is a little curious...
> It may just be an optical illusion but it definitely appears to me 
> that font rendering within WebView is of a considerably better quality 
> than that in other controls (such as Label, Text) in the sense that it 
> appears crisper and much closer to the native font rendering of the
Windows OS.
> So I would like to add another question:
> 3. Is this just my imagination?
> I realise that it's WebKit that contains the rendering code but I 
> would have thought that the exact same Prism calls would be made from 
> within this renderer as would be used by other controls so I don't see 
> why there would be any difference.
> Thanks,
> -jct
> -----Original Message-----
> From: openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
> [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of John C. 
> Turnbull
> Sent: Friday, 23 August 2013 17:23
> To: 'Phil Race'; 'John Hendrikx'; 'Felipe Heidrich'
> Cc: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: RE: Poor quality font rendering
> OK, thanks to everyone who has contributed input to this thread - it's 
> been most enlightening.
> So, in summary, it seems that the dark art of font rendering is 
> complex and made more so by having to support numerous different 
> operating systems, font engines, GPUs and monitors etc.
> I am sure JavaFX does a pretty good job already under most 
> circumstances but I (personally) hope things improve further in the 
> future and that the gap between JavaFX font rendering quality and that 
> of native font rendering is narrowed.
> To this end, there seem to be two main improvements already under 
> development namely:
> 1. Sub-pixel positioning ( 
> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-14187 ) 2. Kerning ( 
> https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-7472 )
> To assist me in my decision making and planning, would it be possible 
> for someone to answer:
> 1. When will both (1) and (2) make it into a JDK8 development build?
> 2. Are there any other plans/techniques to improve font rendering on 
> the horizon for JFX8 or later?
> As I said, my focus is Windows 7 and Windows 8 at the moment so even 
> if you can only answer within these contexts it would be much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> -jct
> -----Original Message-----
> From: openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net
> [mailto:openjfx-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Phil Race
> Sent: Friday, 23 August 2013 06:57
> To: John Hendrikx
> Cc: openjfx-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: Poor quality font rendering
> On 8/22/2013 1:23 PM, John Hendrikx wrote:
>> Oh.. I forgot to say this, but...
>> Screenshots taken with LCD smoothing on are always gonna end up 
>> looking different on different monitors... if for example your 
>> monitor has slightly different spacing or a different order of the 
>> subpixels (or you rotated it), then the screenshot will look wierd.  
>> I prefer to keep LCD smoothing off as I make screenshots / videos 
>> regularly and I donot know on what system they'll be viewed on.  So 
>> if one of shots has particularly bad colored fringes, it is likely 
>> you have a monitor that has a different configuration than mine.
> Yes. I have a BGR monitor here :-)
> 90 degrees rotation also invalidates the LCD but it doesn't look as 
> bad as getting RGB<->BGR wrong
> Devices like the i-whatsit and Android ones don't use LCD and I think 
> that is one reason.
> OLED displays don't work well with it either.
> Windows is deficient in that it doesn't provide anyway to set LCD on a 
> per-screen basis and it should. But most about every desktop/laptop is 
> normal rotation LCD in RGB format.
> -phil.

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