Reloading stylesheets

Jerome Cambon jerome.cambon at
Thu Dec 12 01:33:22 PST 2013

This is also impacting Scene Builder.

I have filed a Jira with a test case:


On 12/11/13 6:19 PM, David Grieve wrote:
> There is clearly a bug there somewhere. Would you mind filing an issue on
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 11:51 AM, ngalarneau at wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I have stylesheet SWITCHING working fine. I can switch between 2 different
>> stylesheets on disk without tearing down & rebuilding my Scene. To do this
>> I simply do:
>>         scene.stylesheets.clear()
>>         scene.stylesheets.add(differentStylesheet)
>> and the changes show up immediately (I'm assuming those 2 lines cause a
>> .css recalculation & a pulse).
>> I would like to get stylesheet RELOADING to work in my JavaFX 8 app. By
>> this I mean picking up changes in a single .css file. This would allow the
>> developers to tweak the stylesheet & reload to see the effects
>> immediately.
>> Unfortunately, it feels like the Filename of the stylesheet is the Key in
>> a cache that isn't getting cleared by my code above. Nothing visible
>> happens when I do:
>>         scene.stylesheets.clear()
>>         scene.stylesheets.add(sameStylesheet)
>> Given your description below, my impression is that RELOADING should also
>> work...
>> Thank you for any suggestions,
>> Neil
>> From:   David Grieve <david.grieve at>
>> To:     Werner Lehmann <lehmann at>
>> Cc:     openjfx-dev at
>> Date:   12/10/2013 11:10 AM
>> Subject:        Re: Reloading stylesheets
>> Sent by:        openjfx-dev-bounces at
>> The way it works in 8.0 is that there is a cache of loaded stylesheets.
>> When a scene or parent adds a stylesheet, the stylesheet is added to the
>> cache. Any other scene or parent that uses the same stylesheet will get
>> the one from cache. If a scene or parent later removes the stylesheet, the
>> stylesheet is removed from the cache and the css style cache for any scene
>> or parent that referenced that stylesheet is cleared (since the set of
>> styles may have changed). Any scene or parent that referenced the now
>> removed stylesheet is told to reapply its styles. Since the stylesheet is
>> no longer in cache, it will be re-parsed (or reloaded if there is a binary
>> version of the stylesheet) when it is called for by a scene or parent.
>> The way it worked in 2.x was an abomination.
>> On Dec 10, 2013, at 10:30 AM, Werner Lehmann
>> <lehmann at> wrote:
>>> Interesting. Assuming the stylesheets are still cached, how would it
>> know when to reload and not use the cached sheet? Or has sheet processing
>> been optimized so much that caching is not necessary anymore...
>>> On 10.12.2013 16:15, Tom Schindl wrote:
>>>> No on FX8 you need to remove and readd them! So the only thing
>> different
>>>> is that you omit the reload-call on FX8.
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