NSView-based embedding on Mac OS X

Petr Pchelko petr.pchelko at oracle.com
Thu Dec 19 22:38:44 PST 2013

Hello, Eli.

The NSView-based embedding was implemented and is already available in JDK8 EA builds and JDK7u40.
Here's the bug which was used to track the changes: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7154778

However, this implementation was designed specifically to support the SWT_AWT bridge and was not intended for other use as
it was not tested without SWT. If you still want to use it for some other purposes - please see how it's done in the SWT implementation
of the SWT_AWT bridge. It could be found in SWT sources higher than version 4.3 in the class named SWT_AWT. But if you want to 
use it directly please be aware that it is not a part of the public API and is a subject to change in the future releases.

The NSView-base embedding have nothing in common with JavaFX and is not used for JFXPanel or SwingNode.

Please contact me if you have any problems.

With best regards. Petr.

On 20.12.2013, at 7:34, E KN <egk865 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Back in January 2013, it reported on this list that NSView-based embedded
> windows on Mac OS X would be supported in JDK8 and maybe even in a future
> update to JDK7:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/openjfx-dev/2013-January/005783.html
> I was wondering if this is still the current plan, as I have not been able
> to get NSView-based embedding to work on recent versions of JDK7 or early
> access releases of JDK8. If it still is, is providing NSView-based
> embedding intended for only JavaFX based applications or even pure Swing
> applications?
> Thank you so much in advance,
> Eli

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