IPA / APK Internal

Niklas Therning niklas at therning.org
Mon Dec 30 23:04:33 PST 2013

For IPA generation with RoboVM it's pretty simple since the compiler can be
easily embedded and run programmatically from within Java. Please have a
look at the RoboVM Maven plugin for a sample on how this is done:

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Mike <mikegps1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I know this is a difficult question, but who can give us some advice on
> what
> to study up on regarding APK / IPA  Generation and a RAD tool for Javafx
> built on JDK8
> I'm laying the ground work for doing this and I'm not certain the best
> tools
> to use from inside a Rad tool to help developers build such file types.
> We plan on having an APP that runs (dashboards) (templates) built
> from within a RAD tool on a desktop but this doesn't allow developers
> to make their own APK and IPA's
> I'm familiar with out Appery.io and other platforms use Phonegap as help in
> this process
> but I'm curious how developers think a Javafx jdk8 building platform should
> do the same.
> Thanks in advance
> Mike Tallent
> Objectwheel

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